Please see below for NDOA & BOA Events from 30th April to 7th July 2018, including today, 30th April’s organ recital given by Jonathan Holl, at Reading Town Hall at 1pm, on Thursday 14th June given by Alistair Davis, NDOA member, and at St. Matthew, Midgham at 6.30pm on Friday 29th June given by Gill Blythman, NDOA member, on the newly restored instrument by Walker Organs.
Looking ahead, another date for your diary – Saturday 7th July: NDOA Tea Party kindly hosted by Ann Turner 3-5pm. More details to follow.
Monday 30 April 1pm. Reading Town Hall (Concert Hall). Lunchtime organ recital on the Father Willis Organ by Jonathan Holl (Windsor). Programme to include music by Rameau, Parry, Darke, Liszt and Vierne. £5. Reading Arts 0118 960 6060.
Saturday 12 May **BOA Event ** 4pm. Recital, tea and AGM at Emmanuel Methodist Church, Oxford Road, Reading. The recital will be given by Ben Giddens, followed by tea at 5pm, for which a donation will be requested in aid of the Benevolent Fund. The AGM will start at about 5.45pm. Please notify the Programme Secretary by Saturday 5 May if you intend to attend.
Saturday 12 May 7.30pm. St Peter's Church, Caversham. Erleigh Cantors present an evening of English Choral Music, with Ian Westley (director) and Philip Aspden (organ). Programme includes music by Purcell, Holst, Goodall, Gibbons and Chilcott, plus solo organ pieces. Tickets £12 (concessions £10, Students £5), including refreshments, available from 0118 947 8382, 07557 049 092 or at the door. Proceeds in aid of St Peter's Church and Alexander Devine Children's Hospice.
Friday 18 May 12.30 - 1.15pm. Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin, Reading. Lunchtime Organ Recital by Jonathan Holl (Windsor). Admission free. Retiring collection.
Friday 18 May 1.10 - 1.50pm. All Saint's Church, Marlow. Lunchtime Organ Recital by Stephen King (Brentwood Cathedral). Admission free. Retiring collection.
Sunday 20 May ** BOA Event **
4.30pm. St Mark's Church, Englefield. 'Music for Pentecost', Organ Recital by Harry Russell. Programme includes music by De Grigny, Bach, Mendelssohn and Alain. Part of the BOA Local Recital series. Admission free. Retiring collection. Refreshments.
Thursday 14 June
1.10pm. St Nicolas, Newbury. NDOA Organ recital by Alistair Davis (St John's, Stockcross). Admission free. Retiring Collection.
Friday 29 June
6.30pm, St. Matthew, Midgham. Organ recital by Gillian Blythman (Thatcham)