Thursday 12th September 2019
Dear all,
Welcome to new member, Jim Clark, who has joined as a result of our 2019 NDOA Bursary Scheme, bringing the total number of new members to 7 this year.
We have an organ playing visit to Farnborough Abbey on Saturday 21st September 2019 at 10am. Saint Michael’s Abbey, 280 Farnborough Road, Farnborough GU14 7NQ is a Benedictine monastery with a famous Cavaillé-Coll organ, which continues to be used for Sunday Mass and Vespers on most Sundays of the year. This will be a very special visit.
Please also see below for NDOA/BOA events from Thursday 12th September (NDOA lunchtime organ recital given by NDOA member, Stephen Holmes at 1.10pm at St. Nicolas, Newbury) to Thursday 10th October (NDOA lunchtime organ recital given by Roy Woodhams at 1.10pm at St. Nicolas, Newbury)
Many thanks and best wishes, Rosemary
A comprehensive listing of organ recitals nationally, including stop lists, maps etc. is available at
Thursday 12 September
1.10pm. St Nicolas Church, Newbury. Organ recital by NDOA member Stephen Holmes (St. Michael & All Angels’, Lambourn). Admission free. Retiring Collection.
Saturday 14 September
2pm. Newbury Methodist Church, Northbrook Street. Newbury. RG14 1AN. Group session to initiate course of NDOA 2019 free organ lessons to selected applicants.
Saturday 14 September **BOA Heritage Day Event **
11am and 12 noon. Reading Town Hall (Concert Hall). Free talk and demonstration of the historic Father Willis Organ by members of the Berkshire Organists' Association, followed by an opportunity for members of the public to play the instrument. Suitable for all ages. One-hour sessions, starting at 11am & 12noon. Admission free. No need to book - just turn up!
Sunday 15 September
3pm. St Thomas of Canterbury, Goring. Organ recital played by Michael Howell. Programme includes Organ Symphony No.1 by Howell. Proceeds in aid of the organ rebuild appeal.
Thursday 19 September
1.10 - 2.00pm. St Lawrence's Church, Alton. Lunchtime Organ Recital by Brian Cotterill. Admission free. Retiring collection.
Friday 20 September
12.30 - 1.15pm. Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin, Reading. Lunchtime Organ Recital by Christine Wells (Hambleden). Admission free. Retiring collection.
Saturday 21 September
10am. NDOA Playing visit to Farnborough Abbey, 280 Farnborough Road, Farnborough. GU14 7NQ. Cost £5 each on the day. Please contact Rosemary Evans [email protected] by 14th September. Please let me know if you can offer a lift/would like a lift.
Sunday 22 September **BOA Event **
3.30pm. St Mark's Church, Englefield. Organ recital by Harry Russell. Programme includes music by Buxtehude, Hindemith, Reger and Wammes. Part of the BOA Local Recital series. Admission free. Retiring collection. Refreshments.
Monday 23 September
1pm. Reading Town Hall (Concert Hall). Lunchtime organ recital on the Father Willis Organ by Edward Kemp-Luck (London). Programme to include music by Elgar and Walton. £5. Season ticket for six recitals from September 2019 - July 2020 available for £24. Reading Arts 0118 960 6060.
Saturday 28 September
12 noon - 12.35pm. St Mary's Church, Slough. Lunchtime Organ Recital by David Oldfield. Admission free. Retiring collection.
Saturday 28 September
7.30pm. St Mary's, Streatley on Thames. Organ recital by Michael Howell. Programme to include music by Buxtehude, Zipoli, Bach, Brahms and Mendelssohn. Tickets £10 (£9 concessions). Advance bookings or enquiries please email [email protected]
Tuesday 1 October
8.00pm. St Lawrence's Church, Alton. Organ Recital by James Tett. Admission £10 at the door, or season membership £60 for all eight concerts (October - May). Full details at Alton Organ Society.
Saturday 5 October
12 noon - 12.35pm. St Mary's Church, Slough. Lunchtime Organ Recital by Anthony Gritten. Admission free. Retiring collection.
Sunday 6 October
3pm. Farnborough Abbey. Organ recital by Neil Wright (Farnborough Abbey). Admission free. Retiring collection. Visit the Farnborough Abbey website for more information.
Thursday 10 October
1.10pm. St Nicolas Church, Newbury. NDOA Organ recital by Roy Woodhams (Rector of Cranleigh, Surrey). Admission free. Retiring Collection.