We warmly welcome a new student member, Elizabeth Ferneley, who has joined NDOA as a result of the 2018 Bursary Scheme.
We are looking forward to our Annual Lunch, kindly arranged by Ann Turner, on Saturday 13th October, 12noon for 12.20pm, at The Woodpecker. Please find attached the menu choices form in case you have mislaid your first copy. Please complete and return to Ann this week.
The date of our Portsmouth Cathedral organ playing trip has changed to Saturday, 24th November from 11am to 1pm. Our Hon. Secretary, Andrew Cox has kindly arranged this outing and hopes to fix another venue for the afternoon.
We have also arranged a local organ playing event to St. John’s, Stockcross from 10am to 12 noon and St. Mary’s, Shaw-cum-Donnington from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday 19th January 2019. Finally, please see below for NDOA & BOA Events from 2nd October to 13th December 2018. Many thanks and best wishes, Rosemary
NDOA & BOA Events
Tuesday 2 October 8pm. St Lawrence Church, Alton. Organ recital by Martin Baker (Westminster Cathedral). Admission £10 at the door (including programme), with concessionary rates for students. Visit Alton Organ Society for more information, including season membership of £60 for all eight concerts.
Sunday 7 October 3pm. Farnborough Abbey. Organ Concert by Matthias Mück (Magdeburg Cathedral). Admission free. Retiring collection. For more information, visit www.cavaille-coll.co.uk or www.farnboroughabbey.org
Monday 8 October 1pm. Reading Town Hall (Concert Hall). Lunchtime organ recital on the Father Willis Organ by Relf Clark (Didcot). Programme to include music by Bach, Mendelssohn, Rheinberger, Karg-Elert, Parry, Clark and Mushel. £5. Reading Arts 0118 960 6060.
Thursday 11 October 1.10pm. St Nicolas, Newbury. NDOA Organ recital by Roy Woodhams (Rector of Cranleigh, Surrey). Admission free. Retiring Collection.
Saturday 13 October 12noon for 12.30pm. The Woodpecker, Wash Water. NDOA Annual Lunch.
**BOA Event ** Visit to St Andrew's, Farnham (10.30am) and Godalming Parish Church (2.15pm). Please notify the Programme Secretary, (01491 571588), no later than Monday 8 October if you intend to join this visit.
Friday 19 October 12.30 - 1.15pm. Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin, Reading. Lunchtime Organ Recital by Jill York (Reading). Admission free. Retiring collection.
Saturday 27 October 10am –12noon NDOA Playing visit to Portsmouth Cathedral. New date arranged – please see Saturday 24th November.
7.45pm. St Mary's Church, Maidenhead. Inaugural Organ Recital by David Goode. Admission free. For more information and advance booking, visit www.stmarysmaidenhead.org
Tuesday 6 November 8pm. St Lawrence Church, Alton. Organ recital by Claudia Grinnell (Winchester Cathedral). Admission £10 at the door (including programme), with concessionary rates for students. Visit Alton Organ Society for more information, including season membership of £60 for all eight concerts. Thursday 8 November 1.10pm. St Nicolas, Newbury. Organ recital by Jonathan Holl (Windsor). Admission free. Retiring Collection.
Friday 9 November 6.30pm. St. Matthew, Midgham. RG7 5UW. Organ recital by NDOA member, Steve Bowey (St. Mary’s. Shaw-cum-Donnington). Admission free. R4freshmenRetiring Collection.
Friday 16 November 12.30 - 1.15pm. Minster Church of St Mary the Virgin, Reading. Lunchtime Organ Recital by NDOA member, Rosemary Evans (St. John the Evangelist, Newbury). Admission free. Retiring collection.
Saturday 17th November 7.30pm. BOA Annual Dinner at Stirrups Country House Hotel, Maidens Green near Bracknell, RG42 6LD. NDOA members are warmly invited. Please contact Jonathan Holl for any further information. [email protected] tel. 01344 886700
Saturday 24th November 11.00am – 1.00pm. Portsmouth Cathedral. NDOA playing visit. Afternoon venue to be arranged.
Thursday 13th December 1.10pm. Methodist Church, Northbrook Street, Newbury. NDOA Organ recital by NDOA member Clive Grant (St. George’s, Wash Common). Seasonal refreshments. Admission free. Retiring Collection.